Raad Onderwijs Arbeidsmarkt CN

Brings vocational education and labor market together

Become a

Job trainer

As a job trainer, you organize the student's learning process on the work floor and train the student in practice. Your contribution during the internship is extremely important!

  • You are the first point of contact for the student

  • You are the example of a professional in the field

  • You support the student in learning in practice

Become a job trainer
Become a

Training Company

You want your company to become a recognized training company to guide MBO/CVQ students or because one or more of your employees is going to follow an MBO study. Being a recognized training company has advantages, it offers opportunities for everyone involved!

  • You come into contact with new talent

  • You play an active role between practice and education

  • Employees who want to study part-time can continue to develop themselves

Become a recognized training company

Latest News and Articles

Evento "Love 4 BBL"

Riba Dia di San Valentino, ROA CN a pone 14 empresa di formashon den spòtlait, pasobra nan ta invertí den formashon profeshonal di nan empleadonan. Ta trata aki di e ruta edukativo di guia profeshonal, BBL (beroepsbegeleidende leerweg). Den esaki un empleado di un organisashon un dia den siman ta bai skol i su trabou ta e lugá di siña i traha. Tin un oumento enorme di studiantenan di BBL na Boneiru. E aña akí mas o ménos 400 studiante ta sigui un di e mas ku 20 kursonan di BBL na MBO Boneiru, Fundashon Mariadal òf Fundashon Forma. Ta trata akí di kursonan den e sektornan Kuido & Bienestar, Ekonomia & Atministrashon, Seguridat, ICT, Elektrotéknika i Horeca.

Event "Love 4 BBL"

ROA CN heeft op Valentijnsdag 14 leerbedrijven in het zonnetje gezet, omdat zij investeren in beroepsopleidingen voor hun medewerkers. Het gaat hierbij om de beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL). Hierbij gaat een medewerker van een organisatie een dag in de week naar school en is zijn baan de leerwerkplek. Er is een enorme toename van BBL-studenten op Boniare. Dit jaar volgen ongeveer 400 studenten een van de ruim 20 BBL-opleidingen bij het MBO Bonaire, Fundashon Mariadal of Fundashon Forma. Het gaat hierbij om opleidingen in de sector Zorg & Welzijn, Economie & Administratie, Beveiliging, Elektrotechniek en in de Horeca.

Event "Love 4 BBL"

On Valentine's Day ROA CN put 14 training companies in the spotlight because they invest in vocational training for their employees. This concerns the vocational learning path (BBL). An employee of an organization goes to school one day a week and his job is the learning workplace. There is a huge increase in BBL students on Bonaire. This year, approximately 400 adult students will follow one of the more than 20 BBL courses at MBO Bonaire, Fundashon Mariadal or Fundashon Forma. This concerns training courses in the Healthcare & Welfare, Economics & Administration, Security, ICT, Electrical Engineering and Hospitality sectors.